We have listed below a range of support and information on helping both carers and people with dementia.
Useful contacts
- Alzheimer’s Society: www.alzheimers.org.uk
- Tel: 0333 150 3456 Mon-Wed 9am-8pm, Thur-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat-Sun 10am-4pm
- Dementia UK: www.dementiauk.org
- Tel 0800 8886678
- Age UK Cheshire Information and Advice Service: Tel: 01244 401500
- Social services: Tel: 0300 123 7034
Useful websites /resources to support patients with Dementia
- My house of memories App – pictures of objects from across the decades. BBC Reminiscence archive (pictures to prompt discussion) – https://remarc.bbcrewind.co.uk
- Live Well Cheshire West website with local contacts for carers/respite care/care homes: www.livewell.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
- www.agespace.org – excellent, informative website offering advice about products, guides to types of dementia, dementia care in areas such as sleep, aids and adaptations, legal matters etc.
- Rosebud reminder clock – memory prompting equipment. Buy here or available from other retailers.
- 4 different screen display options
- 17 in-built alarms
- Add your own video or text and audio reminders by USB or SD card
- No complicated remote controls
- Simple button pad operation on the back
- Clock is wall-mountable or will stand up using the built-in stand
- Auto dimming for night and day time
- Selection and length of the alarm chimes are specifically designed to offer ease of understanding
- In the Spring and Autumn, the time on the reminder clock will automatically change forward or backwards by one hour, in line with the change to and from British Summer Time

Page updated: 3 January, 2024